Jarabak Power Tools Logo

Jarabak Power Tools

For 10 years we’ve been experts in garden tools and shop equipment. We have a network of brick-and-mortar shops and our own service center, complemented by our high-quality online shop.

Jarabak Power Tools Hero Image

Company in numbers


sales 2022 vs. 2023

2100 m2

sales and storage areas


czech company since 2013

100 000+

satisfied customers

11 000+

products available

Reasons to collaborate

Our Approach

Our approach

We pride ourselves on the fact that we genuinely understand the work that we do. This is because you’ll find a professional working in every position at our company. Whether a customer interacts with a salesperson at one of our shops, an associate on our customer service line or a staff member at our service center, that customer can be sure that they are speaking to an expert in their field.

Professional Service

Professional service

We have our own service and repair center. We offer warranty and post-warranty repairs for most products. We carefully communicate with the customer through the entire repair process and we return tools and machines to our customers in a 100% functional condition. For us, customer service does not end simply because a sale has been made. Because of this, our customers regularly return to do business with us.

Shopping Experience

We bring our experience with our shops to the on-line environment

We are building the largest shop you could ever find in any city, in any country – our own e-shop. Our product department works to ensure that our product assortment is full of quality items so our customers can find everything they need. Expert customer support is available to you at any time. It’s our goal for customers who visit our e-shop to feel that they are in a fully-fledged shop, with all the products they need and the experts who can advise them. We add our own photographs and descriptions to the standard product presentations so our customers have as much information as possible. This makes it possible for you to make the decision to buy a product from the comfort of your own home.

Reliable Business Partner

Your reliable business partner

Customer satisfaction and trust are key for us. That’s why we always do everything the best way we know how. We pride ourselves on independence, fair play and building long-term business relationships. We aren’t solely a dealer of goods. We also offer professional presentation, customer service and negotiations, product service and repair as well as other complementary services. We value our partners just as we value our customers.

Much more than just an on-line store

Besides our modern e-shop, we have a network of brick-and-mortar shops as well as our own service center and warehouse space. Each shop is both a collection point for our e-shop and a customer service point.
Management of our company is based in Prague and Říčany.

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Stores and offices

Pracoviště Jarabáka

Company information

Jarabák s.r.o.
Edvarda Beneše 467/7
251 01 Říčany
Czech Republic
Company ID: 03078345
VAT ID: CZ03078345